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Saturday Club Rides (formerly Structured Ride)

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:35 pm
by AlisonSarmiento

I’d like to get the Saturday structured rides going again now that Christmas and New Year are well and truly out of the way and the cyclocross season has finished for another year.

I’m proposing to start them again on Saturday 10th Feb and I’d like to suggest that it would work best if we could develop a pool of people who are willing to lead the ride so that we can put together a plan for the next few months and so that the rides are less reliant on my availability. Leading the ride just means that you need to plan a route and post it on the forum, decide on the expected pace and turn up! It is up to you how you choose to run the ride and with this in mind I’m going to suggest that we just call these Saturday Club Rides rather than structured rides. You can run your ride in a structured way if you choose or not. It’s up to you.

I’m planning to volunteer for the first one on the 10th Feb starting with a fairly short ride at a steady pace of 24-26kph (15-16mph) so that anyone who hasn’t been getting the miles in over the last couple of months feels confident to join us. You know, like someone who has been racing cyclocross and only done flat out rides of 40 minutes plus a lap for the last few months! :lol: If anyone else wants to run another faster (or slower) group that starts out at the same place and time that’s great as it gives everyone more options for rides. I'll post a route nearer the time.

I have put together a googledocs spreadsheet for anyone who wants to volunteer as ride leader. Please have a look and put your name against a date if you would like to do this. You'll need to add the route and pace you propose as well but you can do this later. I’ve left two spaces for each date to allow for two differently paced rides each week ... sp=sharing

As a reminder for anyone who hasn’t joined these rides before:

Meeting place and time: 9am at the Empress pub although most people head down to meet in Knaresborough at 9.15am on the corner of Tentergate Lane and Boroughbridge Road, opposite the Texaco garage

Over to you! :D
